Jumping back into Running...

Day 2- First run

Boy, today I needed that run.  I had such a horrible no good awful day.  I don't know why but I let everything get to me today.  My poor boyfriend even had to deal with it!  I almost didn't go on my run tonight.  I didn't want to.  Yet, something told me that I needed to be held accountable.  I need to let people know that I wasn't giving up before I even started.  So there I was at 9:30 going for my run.  I am exhausted now and know that I have to be up in a few hours, but am so happy that I did the run.  I feel better and am loving it.  My mile times are quite slow compared to what I used to run back in the day, but I think with time I will be back to my old self again.  

Here's to a better tomorrow!

Getting Started Again
I never thought I would go back to running.  I had a love hate relationship with it for years!  When I bought my house in May 2009 I kind of gave up exercising all together.  At work and with my friends I was known as the girl who always worked out.  I always went to the gym or for a run.  I was always working out.  Yet, I wasn't having fun.  I just hated it.

When I stopped exercising, I loved it!  Now though, it is different.  There are support systems with friends.  People actually want to run with me for the first time ever!  I can't even believe it.  I just feel so different now when I go for a run or do a race.  It is actually enjoyable.

I still have a long way to go in the world of exercise.  It will take a long time to get back to where I was, but hopefully this time when I am back there, I'll enjoy every minute of it.

Here I go....


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