Monday, December 21, 2009

More than the Average Joe

Today I was up early, I know, shocker. That is what happens when you fall asleep at 8:30pm... Anyway, that is not the point of my story. Today I woke up early, got ready and headed to work (early!). So yes, are you getting that I was early yet? Really the point of this is that I took an earlier bus today that in fact had a man on it that (and I don't like to label) has a disability to the average joe. He is always smiling and when he gets off the bus, he says have a great day and smiles and waves to everyone. He peers in the window and waves to each of us as we drive away to our next stop. As I was watching him do this today, it reminded me how life is full of choices and although there are some things that make us sad, set us back, disappoint us, etc. we choose how we handle those situations and how we can so easily let our emotions deal with them. Sometimes I get caught in the moment and sometimes let things affect me more than they should. I know that this will continue to happen in my life, but I also know that I can take a better recognition to how I am handling it. It isn't easy, but I think that one can really try. I know that I have really become more like that man on the bus today, enjoying the simple things, yet I know that I still have a ways to go on letting things affect me. It has been a long and winding road to get where I have come and I know that the road won't ever be boring, but I hope that I continue to be this person I've become even when the dynamics change and someday will be sharing that road with someone else. I guess someday I'll have to share that road in the future, and will learn to continue to be this person but maybe even better. I hope life will give me that opportunity someday. I guess I am ready to shed the stress of the small stuff in life and be done with the things that just don't matter. Focus on the future and all that can be! :)

Have a wonderful day!

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