Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Did you just say 39 days!?

Well ladies, and gents (if any gents read this)... I have a confession.  I am the queen of the yo-yo body type.  What am I talking about, you ask?  Well, you see, I have this problem where, for most of my life, I get really, super skinny, then I get curvy, then I get really, super skinny, then I get curvy.  It is a never ending cycle and to be honest, I don't ever feel like I do much different in order for this to happen.

Last year around this time I started losing a lot of weight.  I slowly was shedding the pounds and then more rapidly by mid May.  I had lost almost 30 pounds by June!  It was insane.  Partly the reason was a bad break up, which, as any of you women (and maybe men) know, it really curbs your appetite.  The other reason was I was really following my low fructose diet because of my FM (as mentioned in a previous blog).  Other people tell me it is because I never ate, but I don't believe that!  ;)

By October I was looking like this:  

Skinny Jamie
 Well I got so comfortable in this size that I probably just started eating more and drinking more without realizing what I was doing. By mid December, my small pants were just that, small. My curves were returning.

This isn't the first time I've had to deal with this, nor do I think it will be the last. I just wish my body would stay at a consistent weight so that I wouldn't have to keep worrying about what clothes fit at this moment. Now I am worried about a wedding that I am going to be in in 39 days!  Yep, I just was told it was 39 days away!  I am super scared that I am not going to fit into the dress because when I measured for it... you guessed it, I was that really skinny girl.  I just hope it fits... but I guess this means I have 39 days to figure out this yo-yo body of mine.  Of course, then again, I've never been able to figure it out, so why start now!  :)
And for the record... I like my curves, I just like the skinny better!  ;)

Curvy Jamie

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