Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 17 "Brooklyn in the house!"

When my friend Heather was moving back to Nebraska, I was very sad.  I was going to miss her a ton.  A new nanny came to replace her and I remember feeling sad and not sure if I wanted to start up yet another friendship with someone.  There was just too much heart break in my friends leaving. 

This new nanny was very kind and asked me to hang out and even bought me a birthday gift after only knowing me for a few months.  She was so sweet and took the time to call and plan things to do.  At first I was apprehensive about things.  I wasn't sure about establishing yet another friendship.  But after a while, I realized it doesn't matter how long someone lives in the same area as you, they will always be your friend regardless of where they live.  After I warmed up to the idea, I realized that this girl was awesome and I wanted to be a part of her life! 

We started getting super close. We realized we had tons in common.  We both loved skiing/snowboarding, we loved sports, we loved laughing and going out and just doing anything fun!  I think our most favorite thing to do was go to concerts.  We loved punk rock concerts!  We had so much going out.  There are some great memories of SNL, 1, 2, 3 pass out, roaming the streets of NYC, etc.  We had some memories that would last a lifetime.

Alas, it was her turn to go back home too.  I was very sad and remember we almost lost our friendship before she left due to stupid girl stuff.  I am so glad that we resolved our issues and remained friends even after she moved.

She came back to visit and we had a most wonderful time.  Since then I have visited her a few times since I moved to Minnesota.  I went skiing and even was able to be a bridesmaid in her wedding.  Recently she was able to drive down to Vegas for my 30th birthday.  She is the most wonderful person and I can't imagine my life without her.  I miss her every day and am so excited to meet her daughter and share more memories together.  I know that our friendship will always be there regardless of how much we talk.  She is a one of a kind friend and I am happy she is one of my best friends.

So, here's to you Miss Brooke! 

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