Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 16- "Maybe our dogs should play"

I got my dog, Aspen, in August of 2009.  I remember her being shy and not sure what to do with herself.  I took her for lots of walks and made sure to love her more than anything because I had rescued her from an abusive home. 

During one of my summer walks with her I walked by a neighbors house down the street and she had had her dog out to play.  She asked about my dog and after a few minutes of conversation she asked if I wanted to stay for a bit and let the dogs play.  I was very excited for Aspen to have a new friend but was even more excited that I had met a neighbor!  I had only lived in my new house for a short time, so it was nice! 

This friend and I had lots of doggie play dates and soon became friends ourselves!  We helped each other out with dog sitting, hung out at each other's homes and just enjoyed the company! 

This friend has always been so kind, offering me to come over for holidays and other special events.  She always asks how I am doing and lends a hand whenever help is needed.  She stops by frequently to say hi and continues to invite me over for dinner or just to have the dogs play.  I am so happy that I got Aspen and met this friend on my walk that day.  She is an awesome person who will do anything for you and I am happy to call her my friend!

Here's to you Sonja!

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