Friday, July 1, 2011

A bit of a blunder type of week....

My week has been an interesting one.  It hasn't been necessarily bad, but it has been a little bit off.  Monday I got up super early to start work from home at 7AM.  The day wasn't so bad.  I had a doctor's appointment and then volleyball that night.  I also started training for a half marathon so I was keeping busy!  On top of all that I managed to stub my toe and bleed like crazy all while trying to go and get sunflower seeds during Gary's softball game.  Maybe that should have been my sign, but of course I didn't listen.

The next day I had brought my computer to work because I had had an interested buyer for it.  Well, I was trying to restore it to the factory settings and wasn't doing it right.  Gary offered to help me that night but I had already started to get upset over nothing!  I ended up canceling my happy hour and rushing home to get my stuff together to head to Gary's so he could fix everything.  During the "fixing" of the computer I had a mini breakdown about what, I do not know.   I finally started to calm down a bit and went home with a sigh of relief that I was able to get the computer to where it needed to be.  Then I of course needed to do my run for the night.  It made me feel so much better!

Wednesday was another adventure in the making.  I seemed to be having a great day.  I felt good, my stomach didn't hurt and I was going rollerblading after work and then off to watch Gary play softball.  Well, I went rollerblading and then was getting ready to go and realized my wallet was missing!  ARGH!  I knew at that moment I had left it at work.  I ended up driving all the way back into the city running inside with the hopes that it would still be at my cube.  Lucky for me, it was.  Phew!  I ended up making the second softball game and enjoying a beer and then grocery shopping with Gary.

Yesterday I was hoping for a good day, but guess what I almost forgot to do before the government shutdown?  I almost forgot to get my fishing license!  I went online and tried to purchase but they said I was not a resident.  Excuse me!  I've lived in Minnesota for almost 5 years!  Needless to say after my rescheduled happy hour that I had to cancel on Tuesday, I headed to Walmart to get my fishing license.  45 minutes later I was still a non resident and paying $25 for a three day pass.  Of course I'll be fighting that later once the government gets their heads out of their tush and fires up the government once again.  Thank goodness I was going for a run after that.  Yet wait, it gets better.  Here I am running my fast pace and rushing through the park.  I see a projector and a screen and look to my right and see lots of people watching a movie on the grass.  Yet, there I went right between the projector and the screen.  Sorry movie watchers!

My night ended well with a quick visit to the neighbors and hanging out with my roommate and Gary while doing lots of laundry in anticipation of my lake trip this weekend.  I'm pretty sure this weekend will make up for the weird week that just happened.

Happy fourth people!  Enjoy and be safe!!!

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