Thursday, September 20, 2012

Choose your path

Sometimes I get in the mood to blog and then I decide I am just too busy to consume myself in writing right now.  I'm sure you all feel this way about something or another.  It seems like no matter how many hours are in the day, nothing seems to get accomplished.  There is simply just too much to do!

I am trying to get better about managing my day but it is still a work in progress.  Sometimes I just want to relax and enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning.  What should only be about 20 minutes of relaxation sometimes turns into an hour.  Well, that hour could have been dedicated to working out or cleaning the bathroom or organizing the garage.  Sometimes time just slips away from me.

When you think about the time you waste deciding what it is you want to accomplish for the day you realize that there is so much more time that you could have had to get something accomplished.  I am notorious for doing this.  I plan and plan and plan.  I make lists.  I have agendas.  My calendar is packed full of things to do yet why don't I get more things done!?

I think part of my problem is is that I put too much on my plate and don't give myself time to breathe.  Also, I tend to get bored easy.  I think I have started about 30 different projects this summer and haven't completed much of them.  We are two days away from the autumnal equinox and I can't seem to comprehend where the summer went to.  I know I have done a ton of things and have been super busy but I feel like I have nothing to show for it.

I know I am an organized person and if I set a deadline for myself, I get things done.  I have no problem with time management if there is a deadline.  If I just let things happen, well, then, I drive my fiance crazy!  I tend to want to do so many things.  My mind is creative and it is always thinking of something new.  I can't help it.  I love to reorganize and reorganize again.  It is fun.

Which leads to me to this:  Why am I doing things I don't think are fun or that I love?  Well, there you go.  You need to do the things you love but sometimes you have to do things you don't love to do too.  Maybe if I start doing the things I don't love first, I can get them out of the way and can then start to enjoy completing my 30 projects.

So here is to trying a new approach to the not so fun things I have to do in my life so that I get to enjoy the things I love!

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