Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 8- "Who knew Carson Daly could create friendships!?"

The first time I met this friend, my brother and I were in line for the Carson Daly show.  He made a comment about my brother's wrestling shirt and told my brother that he too was a wrestler at one time.  We chatted for bit and then parted ways when the show started.  

After the show this friend asked my brother and I if we wanted to go to ESPN zone in times square to eat dinner.  Cody was totally in and I thought it would be fun!  After that night we exchanged numbers.  Soon after we were chatting on the phone for hours and went to movies together and happy hours.  We became pretty close.

A year or so later I was heading to England for school and he came to my going away party.  There he met many of my friends who became friends with him after that night.  Even through my move and back we always kept in contact.  We also always went to each other's birthday parties and other get together s we were having.  He has been a great friend who is always caring and will go out of his way to meet up with you.

The last time I was in New York he made sure to come meet up with my sister and I for dinner and drinks.  He is a awesome, kind and caring and I am glad to call him my friend!  He has been there through thick and thin and I know he will be a part of my life forever!  So....

Here's to you Dan!
Jamie and Dan

1 comment:

Dan D said...

Awww, I just saw this and it totally made my day! Love you Jamie!! :)

Hope we can get together this summer, either in MN or NY!!


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